behalf of the Essex County Darts Organisation, I would like to
express sincere condolences to Anne Bramwell and her family on
the loss of Bernie. He was the President of the County and a great friend to
all those who knew him.
Together with one or two others, he was the founder of the
Super League and County Darts within Essex
way back in 1973. He always made certain the County had a sound
base and indeed remained interested in its running right up to
the present day.
have a great deal to be thankful to him for - especially his
encouragement and guidance throughout the years.
As a member of the board of
Directors of the B.D.O he was a well respected man - he was also well known for his very high principles (as many
a person found out to their cost).
He was fair and would always see two sides of a story.
On a personal note, it was Bernie who first persuaded me to join
the County Executive Committee and, over the years, I have
enjoyed many a weekend in his company.
He knew how to enjoy himself, was a good sport and liked
his tipple of barley wine. Essex has lost a long time friend, a marvellous
ambassador for darts and a good President.
Rest in peace Bernie.
Alan Robson. County Chairman